- Coupons, Coupons, Coupons...I use coupons every week I go shopping. My savings usually averages around $15.
- Try to buy items that are on sale. My savings is around $15-$20 a week. Using coupons and only buying items on sale saves me $30-$35 a week! That's a savings of over $1800 a year!
- Buying generics over the national brand can save you money too. Sometimes they don't taste the same or don't work as well as the national brand. Just use trail and error on this step.
- Plan meals ahead of time. This saves time and money. You won't be thinking..what should I have for dinner tonight? You will already know what you are having! Plus you won't splurge on eating out, which costs a lot more money!
- If you think you have enough food leftover for a second meal, freeze the food that is left and use it for another dinner night. I have done this plenty of times.
- Make sure you check to see if the store charged you the right prices. If they overcharge, I simply write the company an email. They usually will give me a gift card for the inconvenience, and it's usually $20 more than I was overcharged!
- Remember to check store ads before shopping. Every store has different pricing on their products. Doing this step could save you a lot more money!